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December 2020

Writer's picture: Dr. Dwight Slater, MD & CEO of CEHDr. Dwight Slater, MD & CEO of CEH

Dear Friends and Partners in the work of CEH, As we reach the end of 2020, we are thankful for God's faithfulness--to us and to you. We pray you are having a blessed season of Thanksgiving, celebration of His birth, and welcoming the New Year under His providence. We have peace because He is with us. At times people asked what motivates our CEH ministry. This is a valuable question for each of us whom God called into this ministry. Here are seven motivating factors for the work of CEH:

  1. The love of Christ. We love Him because He first loved us. He told us that if we love Him we are to love one another and we are instructed to do good to all men, especially to those of the household of faith. (John 13:34-35, Galatians 6:10)

  2. The Great Commission. He left us with a two-prong task to do: evangelism and discipleship.

  3. The spiritual needs of Guinea. In college I (Dwight) began to read and pray through the book Operation World. In one of the earlier editions, Guinea was named the second most spiritually needy nation in Sub-Saharan Africa. This was because of the dominant influence of Islam and the first president's leaning toward communism from 1958-1984. He drove out almost all the mission agencies and no one heard the gospel for those 26 years. Evangelicals made up only one percent of the population in Guinea in 2000, and 17 of the 41 tribes had no known believers.

  4. The medical needs of Guinea. In 1999, we received an invitation from missionaries working in Guinea and national Christian leaders to come and see if God might use us to establish a full-service mission hospital to help reach Guinea for God. Only one mission hospital existed at that time which specialized in leprosy and TB; but the needs were far greater.

  5. Ministry transition. From 2001 to 2004 God led us through a transition out of World Venture (WV) into the creation of CEH, which was founded in prayer and with affirmation of our supporting churches and individuals.

  6. Physical needs of the people of Guinea: Life is hard. In 2000 the life expectancy was 50 years of age and the median age was 14.9 years-maternal and infant death was one of the highest rates in the world. The people continue to struggle with all the same illnesses as in western nations, but it is compounded by poverty, poor nutrition, poor sanitation, lack of clean water, tropical parasites and lack of medical care facilities. Medical workers are often trained in simple medical theory but have little practical quality training.

  7. God opened a door. He allowed the purchase of 75 acres close to the crossroads of the nation. He provided the essential personnel which has progressively grown in number and quality. He continues to provide for capital development. He provided you as prayer warriors and supporters, and some of you were also privileged to serve Him there with us.

It is a tremendous joy to see the physical and spiritual fruit that God accomplished through us together for God's glory in Guinea. May you have a very blessed Christmas season and a richly blessed New Year. Thank you again for your partnership with us in advancing His kingdom in Guinea for His eternal glory.


Community Health Building

In 2020 God allowed us to accomplish these projects:

  • Completion of the Dental and Ophthalmological offices to facilitate better dental and eye care.

  • Completion of the pharmacy. Because COVID-19 prohibited travel from the US, it was finished by African tradesmen counseled by American electricians and plumbers. Previously American professionals completed those parts of the work-this was a huge step forward!

  • Renovation of the old medical supply building to a staff conference room.

  • Laying the foundation of the clinic extension allowing passage from the original clinic veranda to the new pharmacy. ($3,500 needed to complete)

  • Completion of the community health building (solar electricity is still pending).

  • Beginning of the nursing school classrooms to the point that they are roofed ($10,000 needed to complete).

Nursing School Classroom


In 2021 we believe God for these projects:

  • Constructing the first missionary home for Paul and Elisabeth. ($55,000)

  • Renovating the former pharmacy rooms into an enlarged laboratory with new instruments. ($14,000)

  • Completing the clinic extension. ($63,500)

  • Enlarging the solar electrical system: panels, batteries, inverters ($50,000), critical to hospital expansion!

  • IT connection of the hospital to the anticipated national fiberoptic system to allow telemedicine and x-ray readings from the USA to assist Guinean professionals as they care for patients and opening medical educational opportunities to our staff there! ($10,000)

CEH carpenter working on clinic extension


Personnel highlights

Paul and Elisabeth affirmed their conviction that God directed them to Mamou long term. Paul, a fully trained, competent, general surgeon, has tripled the quantity of major surgeries with very good outcomes. Elisabeth has become the assistant hospital director/HR elevating the morale and professionalism of hospital staff. Paul & Elisabeth both have a tremendous heart for God and relentlessly pursue a standard of excellence. They disciple adults and engage in child evangelism. Fassou, a Guinea biomedical tech, is a tremendous addition to our personnel. He inventoried all the hospital medical equipment, set up a schedule for routine maintenance and began repairing critical equipment. Fassou to expanded his horizons by helping maintain the electrical infrastructure and IT network. At the same time, he is very involved with youth in the local church and in evangelism with college students. We are so blessed to have these individuals as part of the CEH team! Our next most urgent personnel need is a nurse anesthetist. Pray with us for this person.

Paul and Elisabeth


Promoted to Glory

Reverend C. Norman Moran, second president of the CEH board. His counsel was invaluable from the beginning of the dream to the inception of the hospital and the board.

He was a pastor of numerous churches in New York, and helped found several nonprofit Christian organizations. Also, he was our area director to whom we were accountable during our deputation ministry to churches when we served with World Venture. He was a precious friend and mentor, and we miss him. One of his most repeated nuggets of wisdom was from James 3:17: "But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy." (KJV)

Oh! That we could always live up to this!

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