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  • Writer's pictureDr. Dwight Slater, MD & CEO of CEH

August 2019

Dear friends and partners in the work of CEH, At Highland Park Baptist Church we were recently exhorted from the themes taught in I Timothy to Stay True ...

  • to the gospel and the doctrine taught in Scripture (chapter 1).

  • to the priority of prayer (chapter 2) - prayer for evangelism of the lost and for authorities - that we might live in peace so that the Gospel may be freely announced. His house is to be a house of prayer for all people. Is that what we really do when we go to church? Our posture of prayer should be constant holy the qualifications for leadership in godly character (chapter 3).

  • to the qualifications for leadership in godly character (chapter 3).

We faced challenges in each of these areas recently at CEH. Africa is troubled by false teachings of prosperity gospel, and license under the guise of the permissive will of God even when this is contrary to scriptural precepts, especially in the domain of marriage. We had to confront and correct errors in each of these areas while trying to walk in a spirit of humility as we sought to restore the brothers and sisters involved in these situations. Please pray constantly with us to Stay True. Thank you for your partnership in the work of CEH. We realize the work is advanced by God's power and grace and not by skills and power or resources of people. God chooses to work in us, through us, and with us to advance His Kingdom in this world. CEH is one of His outposts in Guinea, one of the neediest nations of the world. He is drawing men and women to Himself through compassionate medical care and the constant growth of the staff as His disciples, who are reflecting Him to the world their lives touch. All of us do that by extension. It is all by His orchestration, enabling, and provision! God is transforming peoples' lives. He orchestrates the total team. He advances His Kingdom even in the needy land of Guinea. GUINEA FOR GOD!


Short Term Mission Trip

Dwight and TR with Mayor and Staff Dwight and TR accomplished their trip May 29-June 12 to Mamou. Dwight participated in the medical work and interacted with staff to encourage each one in his/her work. These group and private annual meetings are benchmark contacts: to evaluate the past year, refocus goals, and seek to resolve conflicts. These are some of the most important aspects of Dwight's ministry. TR is a retired mayor of a St. Louis suburb and a retired public administration and economics PHD professor. He served on two large Christian hospital boards in the United States and visited hospitals in at least seven other nations. On this trip, he listened and advised our hospital director and staff at CEH and shared hours of insights with Dwight. Together they interacted with local Guinean government officials including the mayor and his staff, the county executive, and the governor of the region that serves about 800,000 people. They listened to their expressed needs and TR shared from his wealth of knowledge and experience. Dreams include possibly facilitating a sister city relationship between Mamou and a U.S. city in the future. TR hopes to help CEH with fundraising and contact with foundations, to assist us in transmitting our dreams to others who may in the future serve with us. Pray for fruitfulness as we abide in Christ in all this.


Staff Changes and Opportunities for Growth

Pastor O (right) and Marietou (left) Pastor O has been an effective evangelist at CEH for the past six years. His wife, Marietou, taught the children in Sunday school and at Fresh Dew Christian School. Along with the staff, over 200 people registered their faith in Christ in these years. He also authored a book, six booklets on evangelism of Muslims, and taught seminars on Muslim evangelism in Bible schools and towns across Guinea. Prior to coming to CEH they moved very rapidly from conversion to correspondence Bible courses to pastoral responsibilities in an African Independent Church, before being recommended to us. We and the MIAPE board under which he serves recommended additional theological training for this gifted couple to better serve God in the future. Pray for them as they move from CEH to Cote d'Ivoire, seek further training, and enter a new phase of ministry. Moise, a missionary carpenter who led the local MIAPE youth ministry, and Deborah his wife, gifted with service, were affirmed by the local church to be trained as the MIAPE future pastor. Moise just finished his first of three years at the top of his class at Bethel Bible School, in Cote d'Ivoire. Moise and Deborah are back at CEH for the three-month summer vacation and resuming work in the hospital, church, and school. Pray for them as they assume part of the roles Pastor O and his wife Marietou held. Also pray for three other local evangelical pastors to participate more directly in the roles of chaplain work and evangelism on a regular part time basis. We pray this will facilitate the integration of new converts into local churches. As prayer is the cornerstone of evangelism, please pray with us for the continued abundant fruit we believe God desires to bring to Himself through CEH. For years we prayed for a godly general surgeon and an administrative assistant for Etienne. Paul and Elizabeth S. seem to ideally fit those roles and after a four-month vision trip earlier this year, they affirmed their belief that this is our Lord's will for them. They will arrive in August, Lord willing. Dwight had a part in Paul's practical training 20 years ago and then he finished his surgical residency in Abidjan. Paul is competent to do General Surgery, OB Gyn, Orthopedics, some Urology, and the scope of tropical medicine. He will be one of the best trained doctors in Guinea. Paul desires to continue training our Guinean doctors who are eager for him to return. Elizabeth's gift in administration, motivating Christian workers, and launching projects will help Etienne in many areas of the hospital and in launching the new nursing school. This fall they hope to initiate a refresher course for nurses with government training but who lack adequate clinical training, which is the major weakness of the national system. Doris, RN from CMA, will be the first nursing teacher. CEH doctors and nurses will also participate in teaching and training. In the future they hope to have module teaching cycles to allow nurses from developed nations with special expertise to come and teach during a two or three week period. Classes will begin on the spacious Guest House porch while classrooms are built. Pray with us for all of this to bring glory to God.


Urgent Financial Needs

  • Container #20 with essential medical supplies, plumbing, and electrical equipment is on the ocean but not all the fees for shipping and customs are yet covered. To cover the remainder of those costs $6,000 is still needed.

  • Ophthalmology-Dental building is almost complete but after the plumbing and electrical is finished in November it will need more funds to complete finishing touches. The remainder needed for this project is $5,000.

  • The new pharmacy building's projected costs are $65,000. To build and back-fill the raised foundation $9,000 was spent. An additional $30,000 is needed ASAP and six weeks of time to finish the walls. George and his team would then be able to put the plumbing and electrical in the walls when they're at CEH in early November. After their work is complete, the African team can finish the roofing, ceiling, lights, windows, doors, plastering, flooring, and painting as funds become available. Usually all but the last three steps are accomplished prior to the U.S. work teams coming.

  • The final financial concern is the normal monthly subsidy for the CEH ministry of $8,800. This is primarily covers the nine MIAPE missionaries' salaries as well as the 16 construction crew salaries.This is always the highest monthly priority. Our operation account was recently at only $3,000.

Ophthalmology-Dental building

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